Verfasst: Do 30. Jan 2025, 14:00
Welcome to this collection of Substance Painter presets crafted to adapt your textures for Arma 3 and DayZ!
If you want to know more about Arma 3/DayZ Texturing, you can check this short wiki page
Do you plan to make a building? You might want to learn about Multimat and check HorribleGoat's MultiMat exemple on the official Discord. You can get it here.
Need your questions answered? Ask them on the Official Discord Server . Don't hesitate to ping me if needed.
Arma 3 Super
This preset uses the metallic-roughness workflow, configuring the SMDI (specular map) with the following channel setup:
It will export the following maps:
$TextureSet_CO (Color map)
$TextureSet_CA (Color Map with Alpha)
$TextureSet_SMDI (Specular map)
$TextureSet_NOHQ (Normal map)
Note: This preset is straightforward and works seamlessly for both Arma 3 and DayZ.
Tip: Ignore the warning "User1 channel is missing in your texture set"` for this preset.
Other Presets
In the "OTHERS" folder, you will find other export-presets including one preset for people working with SpecGloss instead of MetRough.
Arma 3 Super (SpecGloss)
This preset supports the specular-glossiness workflow, optimized for non-PBR projects in Arma 3. Ideal for older workflows or specific texturing requirements.
Arma 3 SuperNo2Diff (MetRough)
This preset exports CO/NOHQ/AS/SMDI maps along with Grey OpenGL normal maps from a metallic-roughness project.
It also embeds normal details directly into the diffuse/albedo map, adding depth even without indirect lighting.
Workflow Tips
Invert Roughness for Accurate Exports
If your texture appears too bright in-game, it may be necessary to invert the roughness before exporting from Substance Painter.
To make this process easier, use the included Smart Material:
Arma 3 - MetRough.spsm
This Smart Material, located in the SmartMaterial folder, can automate roughness inversion for you.
Steps to Use:
Drag and drop the Arma 3 - MetRough Smart Material into your Layers Window.
Move all your layers into the Arma 3 - MetRough folder created by the Smart Material.
This setup ensures that roughness inversion is handled correctly for Arma 3 and DayZ.
Add Depth with the AO Layer
The included Smart Material also contains an AO layer, designed to add fake shadows based on your Ambient Occlusion (AO) map. Properly adjusted, it enhances the depth and realism of your textures.
How to Use the AO Layer:
Ensure the AO layer is positioned above all other layers in your stack.
Adjust opacity and blending modes for the AO layer to achieve your desired effect.
Tip: Experiment with settings to see how the AO layer can breathe life into your textures!
Specular Power Recommendations
For optimal results, set the specularPower value below 60 but ti's really up to you to try and find the correct one. This ensures better control over shine and reflection. Adjust both specular and specularPower as needed for a balanced result.
How to Import Presets
Option 1: Import via Substance Painter
Clone this repository and copy all files to your system.
Open Substance Painter.
Go to File > Import Resources, then select .spexp file.
Choose Shelf as the destination and click Import.
You can also drag & drop it directly into the software.
Option 2: Add Files Manually
Locate your Substance Painter shelf directory:
Windows: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\assets\export-presets
Copy all .spexp files into the appropriate folder.
Have ideas or improvements? Feel free to contact me on Discord: mooniefr.
Your contributions to these export presets are always welcome!
Enjoy using these custom export presets to elevate your Substance Painter projects for Arma 3 and DayZ!